On today's episode of The Amazing Race Asia, our favorite duo stumbles thanks to a miscalculation of time that would cost them big time. Are they lucky enough to make it to the finish line and go through to the next round, or would this be their last race?
Location: KDU College Penang
Time: 8.30am
Clue (Blast From The Past):-
In this task, contestants are given a time limit of 2 hour and a half to finish an exam paper that most would agree to be the hardest subject in school. History! In other words, Malaysian Studies. The exam starts at 9.30am but those who manage to finish before 11.30am are allowed to leave early, those who can't finish by that time however, can't leave the hall till 12.00pm. After completing their exam, contestants are required to log in a computer in the college's internet lab and solve a simple question to read their next clue. Results of their exam will be evaluated at the end of the race and the group that scored the highest would get a head start at the next start of the next race.
Location: Level 7 (Examination Hall)
AK: Good Luck!
SC: Yeah, good luck to you too!
SC: What the hell! I hate History and I thought I won't need to do this exam ever again after SPM... To HELL with this stupid exam! I'll just follow my new Motto which is DLAB (Don't Leave Anything Blank) and be done with it.
SC: YES! I'm done! Haha... EK and MJ is still not done yet... Take your time boys! I'm out of here... AK faster la!
AK: (Concentrating on her work)
Location: KDU Internet Lab
Time: 11.30am
Who is a lady who sounds like a baby?
What is lifeless but cries like a baby?
(Warning: This is highly not funny! Read at your own risk)
SC: WTH! This questions doesn't even rhyme... The person who made up this question must be a ****
AK: Baby? I remember my cousin who is like so cute... Eeee... So kutchi kutchi....Gooo...
SC: Goo? Is that a Pokemon or something? Nah... Wait. I think I remember Mongolian kids love to make that sound Go Go (Gyok Gyok)... There is even a website 'Go Go' which functions like Google... Wait, Goo... Goo... Ga GA... LADY GAGA!
AK: Baby crying. I hate the sound! So annoying! What can be as annoying as that?
SC: Sirens... Phone ringing... I hate answering the phone! I kinda have a phobia of answering phones...
AK: Can we go back to the question? What is lifeless and cries like a baby?
SC: DUDE! I got it! Telephone. Lady Gaga Telephone! Maybe we have to watch the official vid.
SC: OMG! She is naked and they sensored! Now she is kissing a guy? Wait! IS that even a guy? Now they are dancing in their undies? Wow! This is hillarious... HAHA!
AK: Hey... We didn't need to watch the video, the clue link is right here. (Points at screen)
SC: Oh... Hehe... ^.^"
Route Information:-
Route Information clues instruct the teams where to go next. The clue usually only provides the name of the team's next destination; it is up to the teams to figure out how to get there. For this leg of the race, contestants are required to travel to Penang's tallest building, Komtar and find their next clue.
Location: Macalister Road Bus Stop
Time: 11.45am
SC: WTH! Why isn't there any bus passing by this stupid road??? OMG there is a crazy woman siting here... Faster la BUS!
AK: Stupid wan la!
SC: Hey look at that car!.... ~Keeps talking about cars~
(20 minutes later)
SC: BUS! At Last!
Location: Komtar
Time: 12.15pm
SC: Route Marker! Lets get our next clue!
Road Block (Who is the computer geek?):-
A Roadblock is a task that only one team member may perform. In this road block,contestants have to find the right computer shop in a mall located near Komtar called Perangin Mall and search for the right game to purchase to get their next clue. The game they have to find is based on the latest movie Sherlocks Holmes.
SC: This is easy... I'll do the road block. Come on, lets go find that computer shop!
Location: Computer shop
Time: 12.30pm
SC: Route Marker! Shit! The shop will only open at 1.00pm.
AK: Thats like half an hour... I'm hungry, lets eat.
SC: Sounds good to me.
Time: 1.00pm
SC: Here I go! Where are you Sherlock Holmes? Ooo... Vampire games.
AK: Dude, can you buy me that Yahoo game?
SC: Maybe another time. I'm trying to find that game. Ooo... Alice in Wonderland!
(after 30 minutes)
SC: Found it!
Shop Guy: RM10 yea. Pay first and wait for 15 minutes for your game.
SC: Can't you just give me the clue?
Shop Guy: What clue?
SC: Umm... 15 minutes? Okay... I'll be back. Here is the RM10.
Shop Guy: Just kidding. Here, you can have the clue.
SC: Thank you. But seriously, I'll be back for the game.
Shop Guy: Sure...
(walk out of shop)
SC: Stupid guy scam my money! I don't care, I'm gonna get my money's worth.
AK: Yeah, stupid guy.
Time: 1.30
Route Information:-
Take a bus or taxi to your next location which is the Penang's Ferry Terminal and take the Ferry to Butterworth. From there, catch the 2.30pm bus to Taiping. Contestants that misses that bus has to take the 5.30pm bus. Taiping is a town located in northern Perak, Malaysia. With a population of 191,104 (in 2007), it is the second largest town in Perak after Ipoh, the state capital. Taiping also receives some limelight for being the wettest town in Peninsular Malaysia and its unusual rainfall has also led to a fertile collection of flora and century-old rain trees in the Taiping Lake Gardens. Here is the pit-stop for this leg of the race. The last team that checks in, may or may not be eliminated.
Location: Perangin Mall
SC: Hmm... 2.30pm... We still got an hour. We can start leaving by 2.00pm. Lets go in that DVD shop and look around.
AK: Yea...
Location: Computer Shop
Time: 1.55pm
SC: We better start moving before we miss the bus.
AK: Yea.
SC: OMG! DUDE! The bus is in Butterworth! I just remembered! I thought it was in Penang! I don't think we can get there in time! OMG! WE are so DEAD!
AK: What! I think we can make it. Don't worry! WE got time...
SC: OMG! Panic!!! Gotto get out of here!
(goes to the counter)
SC: My game arrived yet?
Shop Guy: Here. (Pass the game)
SC: Thanks! (Hand over RM10)
(Rush down to bus stop)
Location: Rapid Bus 204
Time: 2.00pm
SC: To Jetty please!
Driver: Sorry, all the bus here don't go to Jetty. You have to go another location. Bla.. Bla... Bla...
SC: Okay, okay. (steps out of the bus) Where?
AK: I think its there?
SC: I don't think we gonna make it! OMG!!! I'm panicking!!!!
AK: Lets just walk.
SC: I think we better take a taxi.
AK: OK...
Location: Taxi
Time: 2.05
Driver: Taxi?
SC: Yes!
AK: How much?
Driver: To where?
Driver: RM10
(Goes inside the car. Driver taking own sweet time. SC Getting very annoyed n aggitated. AK silent)
SC: CAn you reach there at 2.15pm?
Driver: I'm not sure.
AK: WE have a bus in Butterworth leaving at 2.30pm.
Driver: Taking ferry? I don't think you guys are going to make it. Ferry takes 20 minutes.
AK: Is it. BUt maybe we are lucky?
Driver: I still don't think you guys are gonna make it no matter how lucky. (starts talking about the time he missed the buss to Alor Star and had to sleep at the bus terminal n bla bla bla...)
AK: Is it.
SC: (getting very aggitated)
Driver: I really don't think you guys are going to make it. (Repeat the whole story about the time he missed the bus n bla bla bla...)
AK: Is it.
Driver: Yeah and I had to ask people's help and bla bla bla... Because I missed the bus and bla bla bla...
AK: Is it.
SC: (Really annoyed)
Driver: You guys wan't me to drop you guys here first so that you guys can cross the road straight away to the ferry terminal or you guys want to take more risk?
SC: Here is good.
Driver: Remember to run.
AK: Thank you. (hand over the money)
Location: Ferry terminal
Time: 2.15pm
SC:I think we are going to make it! The ferry is here! The first ferry seems fast. It like zoomed away. Okay! I think we are totally going to make it!
AK: Yea...
Location: Ferry
Time: 2.17pm
SC: Okay! We are at the front of the line! WE are going to make it! Wait. Ferry takes 20 minutes. OMG! I don't think we are going to make it!
AK: ~Silent~
SC: The first ferry zoomed away. I think it won't take that long.
Time: 2.20pm
SC: WTF! Why is this thing not moving yet!!! MOVE!!!
AK: Yea! Why so stupid one! Stupid man! Shit!
Time: 2.25pm
SC: WE are so dead man!!! THIS THING WON'T MOVE!!! MOVE you stupid FERRY!
AK: F*** wan man! WTF!
SC: Yea... Faster move la! Just now that ferry move so fast! MOVE! We should have just jumped over the fence and illegally enter that double-deck(no pedestrians allowed) ferry! WTF!
AK: F*** wan la! Why so F*** wan??? Move la!
Time: 2.27pm
SC: At last! we are moving. WAit! WTF!!! WHy so slow??? Just now that Ferry like really zoomed away! Why this wan so slow!!! We aint gonna make it!!! (Close to tears...)
AK: F*** wan la... Maybe the bus will wait for us.
SC: THe other teams would have reached already! WE r so DEAD!!! MOVE STUPID FERRY!
(after what seems like hours floating slowly to Butterworth and some more cursing and swearing)
Time: 2.37pm
SC: SHIT!!! Get ready to run! Just hope the bus is waiting. OMG!
AK: Yea...
SC: My bloody Bag is so dam heavy! My pants keep wanting to fall off! I'm so gonna hate this!
AK: YEa...
(gates open)
SC ran out of the ferry and down the slopes... AK taking her own sweet time knowing SC will ask the bus to wait when she reaches there first... Its now up to SC to reach the bus... She reach the terminal but see no bus to Taiping and rushes to the ticket counter. AK reaches and ask SC... SO?
SC: The lady said the bus has left. We gotto take another one.
AK: WHAT! Let me ask her.
SC: Dude! There is nothing we can do! We missed it!
AK: What are we going to do?
SC: We missed it!
AK: What are we going to do?
SC: Isn't it obvious? We Wait.
AK: (sour face)
SC: DUDE! I'm just joking! The bus havent arrived yet! HAHAHAHA!!!!
SC: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! WE are that lucky.
AK: Yea. No wonder I saw some people that resembled the other teams.
(3 teams have made it so far for the 2.30pm bus, leaving the other 5 teams to take the 5.30pm bus)
Location: Bus on the way to Taiping
Time: Who cares? We made it!
(Bus took the wrong road)
SC: WTF! Why so stupid one?
AK: Yeala... Haiyo...
SC: Why are we having so much drama today?
AK: I don't know. I think I'm gonna take a nap.
SC: OK. Wait! DUDE! I think I lost RM10.
AK: Maybe you dropped it somewhere.
SC: WTF!!! Wait... Don't tell me I double paid that stupid computer shop guy. F***!!!
(Totally never happened~just a made up scene~)
Location: Kamunting Bas Terminal
Time: One hour later
SC: Route Marker! Cars! OMG! We have to drive there?
AK: You drive.
Location: Taiping Lake Garden (beside the huge golf ball)
Time: No Idea...
~SC & AK jump on the mat~
Guy Holding snake: Welcome to Taiping Lake Garden.
SC & AK : Yea... (nervous lol)
Allan Wu: SC & AK...(sour face) You are team number...
~SC & AK jump on the mat~
Guy holding snake: Welcome to Taiping Lake Garden.
SC & AK : Yea... (totally nervous)
Allan Wu: SC & AK...(sour face) You are team number... ONE!
SC & AK: WHAT!!! NO WAY! WOOO!!! (Jump FOr JOY!)
Allan Wu: Congratulations, and as winners for this leg of the race, you guys have won yourself a free pic taken with this lovely snake here.
SC: Ooooo... I LOVE SNAKES! Why not give me the whole snake!
Allan Wu: Win the whole race and you can have your own zoo.
Allan Wu: Advertisement please.... ^.^"
~Just a long version of the story... Shorter version on the way~
Really sorry for the long stupid story... Most of you guys would totally say such a waste of time... hehe XD