Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If only I could be there for you...

OMG. I just got the saddest news about my dog, Brownie. I still remember the last day I saw her at home. Before I got in the car, I was thinking to myself that 'Who knows that this might just be the last time I see her'. I didn't wanna believe that and I told myself that I was just thinking nonsense... Dam bloody hell it was true. That was the last time I saw, pat and hugged her.

Brownie was my dearest dog I ever had. She was always my favourite cause she was such a lady. Always coming up to me with her curled up tail wagging so ever happily. She was a gift from my sister's friend 8 years ago and till this day, Brownie's mother is still alive. I still can play back a flash of the memory of exactly how everything went... She was so tiny that we can put her into a shoe box and in there, she fell asleep till we reached home. The first few nights, she cried due to lonelyness till we had to let her in and sleep in my sister's room. A growing pup would always find trouble and she did exactly that by chewing on shoes and digging. It drove mum crazy but I was always there to defend her.

After 2 years or so, we got Lassie. Brownie was her companion and it made the first few nights tolerable. Lassie always played with Brownie till one day when both of them were tied up close to each other, Lassie nearly lossed her paw due to the chains being entangled around it. Luckily we were in time to save her paw. After that, we never chain them close to each other anymore. Instead we got them a cage big enough for two big dogs.

In 2004, I started training Brownie and I got to teach her a few tricks. She was such a fast learner cause she could remember the hand signals and commands I gave her. During my last visit in Taiping, I tested her again and she could still do it. She was the first dog I ever trained succesfully. The first dog I ever had that can carry out the shake hand command which I had thought her with or without treats. Just remembering those memories are making me tear up...

Brownie was always afraid of fireworks and I still can remember those nights that I would hold her in my arms and hum her a tune just to make her less afraid. She was always there when I needed someone to hug. She was always there when I needed her. But where was I when she needed me? A dog's love for their owner is unconditional. Whenever I go for long trips and come back, she would crookedly run towards me and wag her tail furiously. When she reach me, she will jump on me and I'll hug her. I'll miss those moments the most cause the next time I go back to Taiping, there won't be a furry brown dog to come running crookedly towards me anymore... The plain sigh would be just too unbearable.

The thing that puzzles me is, why my parents didn't tell me and my sister the sad news. It was my neighbur who told my sis who reached me. I was so shocked that I could say a word or even think for a moment. I just can't believe she is gone. I never even get to see her go or say my last goodbyes before her burial... I'll never forget this day cause she died in the morning. Michael Jackson's funeral...

My darling Brownie... You will always be in my heart and never forgotten just like Lassie, my german sheppard... I'll love you forever... May you rest in peace my dearest sweetest dog. It is true when they say the best breed of dog is a no breed at all...